Monday, 20 August 2012

QUICK POST: Barclays App

Just discovered the Barclays mobile banking app. Previously I was quite impressed with the Barclays Pingit app, where you can send monies via smartphone to friends family or pay bills. It's been a while coming as most other banks already have an app.

I always wanted a proper banking app from Barclays, the main reason was an accurate and up to date balance. Getting texts with updates is ok, but these are always out of date. It's the same with most ATM's too.

So this for me was the main advantage. Before this app a more often than not used Pingit to obtain an accurate balance. Now this new app has my current up to date balance. In addition to the last few days transactions, which can be nearly and quickly displayed by outgoings only, income only or both along with a tab for regular payments

Security with any app that handless personal information is always a worry, never mind banking information. In setting up the app, Barclays seem to have put security as a high priority. A message is sent from Barclays to verify the mobile your using and if you have one of their banking chip and pin calculator checker thingies, you'll also need that to verify things. Going forward I am using a 5 digit passcode to log in.

For a banking app it's well laid out and displays our money info clearly. Tabs for payments and transfers are self explanatory. In addition there is allocation tab to find the nearest branded ATM or branch as well as a more tap with sections like FAQ and contact info amongst other things.

On the whole it's a well thought out little app, possibly a bit buggy with the log in, typed the correct pin and didn't like it a few times. Otherwise a long over due addition to the Barclays fold. I would have liked to have seen, notifications, customisable ones where you could set specific alerts for monies going in or going out. Like a advanced version of the text alerts already offered but fully personalised, texts are so 1980's! It's a popular app to with 1458 comments on the app store and an overall 4 star rating.

Could this mean then end of queuing in your local branch in your dinner hour, to see if that big bill has been paid?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


If you have to restore your iphone, you cannot restore your barclays Pingit app. Due to the registration process and linking to your iPhone,.